What's New?

What's New in InterWrite PRS version 4.0? The addition of RF-based hardware to the PRS product line is what's new. The two-way communication of RF will change the way you use PRS.

The Hardware

Radio frequency communication is two-way and does not require the line-of-sight transmission of the one-way IR hardware, so the RF Receiver does not have to be mounted on a wall at the front of the classroom, and the RF Clickers do not have to be pointed toward the Receiver when transmitting. RF Clickers can remain on the desk top. They feature an expanded keypad that includes Input Keys and Navigation Keys. The RF Clicker's LCD display allows students to see their Responses (and edit them, if necessary) before they send them and to receive status messages in return.

The Software

The PRS interface has been redesigned, not only to support the addition of RF, but to make PRS easier to use and more intuitive. Lots of new features have been added to meet the demands of the 21st century classroom and to take advantage of the new dimensions and flexibility RF communication provides. But, if you’re staying with IR (Infrared), do not despair. Our brilliant engineers have been able to make almost all of the new features accessible to current IR users without changing how you currently use PRS. IR users can skip the following and go straight to the New Features section below to learn about those new features right now.

PRS in the RF Environment

The Class is the focal point of PRS in the RF environment. You will see some differences in the way the Class is defined, or profiled. A Class can be designated as an Open Class or a Closed Class. The Response Map has no real function or purpose in the RF environment. A Roster can be set up when the Class is being profiled, but it is not essential to have one in place before starting a Session. A partial Roster can actually be generated during a Session.

New terminology has been introduced to describe the procedures that take place in the Class-centric RF environment. You will start a Class, your students will join the Class, and when the Session is finished, you will end the Class. In addition, RF Clickers can be configured for special use during a Class Session.

An RF Status Bar has been added to the PRS window. It shows the name of the RF Class that has been started, the Quick Jump number for students joining the Class, and the Joined Counter, so the instructor will know how many students have joined the Class. If the instructor requires additional information about the students who have joined the Class, he can display the Joined List.

Homework Mode is a new option for those using RF hardware.

New PRS Features

Changes to the GUI

Class profiles are listed in the left pane of the Classes section window and the Roster associated with the selected Class is displayed in the Roster List Window on the right. The Roster Function Buttons are arranged above the Roster.

Gradebooks are listed in the left pane of the Gradebooks section and the contents of the selected Gradebook are displayed in the right pane.

Question Types

The Lesson profile has been redesigned so that the Question Type is no longer an attribute of the Lesson, but rather, Question Type is now an attribute of each Question in the Lesson. A Lesson can contain a mixture of Questions of different types that include Multiple Choice and Multiple Correct/Multiple Choice, Numeric, True/False, Answer Series, Short Answer, and Survey.

Response Chart

Invalid and out-of-range Responses are now charted.

A Values display menu has been added to the Response Charts for Multiple Correct/Multiple Choice Questions, Numeric Questions, Short Answer, and Answer Series Questions that provides different ways of viewing the multi-character Response results for those Question Types.


During Self Paced Sessions and Homework Sessions, the total number of responders and the total number of Questions answered by all responders are tracked on the Session dialog Toolbar.

An imported Roster can be merged with the existing Roster.

Non-PRS Marks can be added to a Gradebook.

Letter Grade and Percentage Grade displays have been added to the Gradebook.