Astronomy 102, Spring 2016.

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Astronomy 102 Homepage. Spring 2016.

Professor Frank L. H. Wolfs

There have been 42,455 visitors to this page since August 11, 2008.

Welcome to Astronomy 102.

In this course, we will discuss black holes, worm holes, time warps, space-time curvature, hyper space, and the Big Bang in the context of Einstein’s theories.

We present a physical and astronomical (but non-mathematical) picture of the workings of Einstein's theory of relativity, and its application to cosmology and to black holes and wormholes, the most exotic and energetic objects known to scientists. Our aim is twofold: (1) to demystify black holes, big-bang cosmology, and the nature of space and time for non-science majors, to enable them to evaluate critically the frequent references to these exoteric concepts in the press and in popular science and science-fiction literature; and (2) to provide non-science majors with a glimpse of the processes by which scientific theories are conceived and advanced.

This course meets every Tuesday and Thursday between 2 pm and 3.15 pm in B&L 106. See you there!

Last updated on Thursday, January 14, 2016 7:15

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