Computerized Classroom Construction

The only items still missing from the classroom are the white-boards, the projection screens, and the 36" projection monitor. All computers have been installed and are working properly, except one where the video circuit is messed up. Below you will find a photo taken from the entrance of the room, looking towards the right. Pay special attention to the two stations on the first row of tables. The one on the left runs MacOS 8, while the one on the right runs Windows 95, using the build-in 166 MHz pentium card. In this room you truly have the best of both worlds!

In the photo below you see the view of the classroom from the left back of the room.The instructor station is the station in the top right of the picture. Note the large workspace between the computers which will be used by the students to carry out experiments in class.

In the following picture you see the view from the classroom from the right back of the room, looking towards the exit. The color space on the right top is the location of one of the white boards.

Here a final picture of the classroom, clearly showing the chair guard on the left that prevents the chair from rolling to a lower level.

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