Computerized Classroom Construction
The computerized classroom in B&L was
designed for the Physics by Inquiry course developed by Frank Wolfs of the
Department of Physics and Astronomy.
This web page shows the final stages of the construction of the computerized class room in B&L. The classroom is located on the 4th floor in B&L. This picture shows the corner of B&L where the classroom is located. The three right windows on the top floor are part of the class room. The two other windows that are visible on the 4th floor will be used for air intake and exhaust for the air conditioner.
The class room has 20 computer stations and one instructor station. Each computers station consist of a Macintosh 7300/180 CPU and a 17" monitor. The CPU has a 166 MHz pentium DOS card build in, running windows 95. Consequently, the class room supports both Macintosh and Windows based applications.
Next to each computer station is a large workbench, available for the students to carry out experiments during class. The computer interface that is being used is the Scientific Workshop interface (model 700) from Pasco scientific.
The class room is tiered. There are 5 rows of tables; the first row is at "ground level" while the other four are located on the tiers, each of which is offset by 6" from the previous one. The following two pictures, which were taken on Thanksgiving 1997, show the tiers in the class room. The tiered structure is made of concrete slabs.