Starting a PRS Session in PowerPoint

Configure the PRS PowerPoint Session in the New Session dialog. When you accept the settings by clicking on the OK button, you can begin the Slide Show. When a PRS Question Slide is encountered, the Session dialog with the Toolbar and the Response Area (Response Grid or Attendee List Display Mode setting), or just the Session dialog Toolbar (No Grid Display Mode setting) will display. You can move and size the Session dialog.

Starting a PRS PowerPoint Session in an RF Environment


The New Session dialog for an RF Session

The Class must be started before the PRS PowerPoint Session can begin. If it's not, the Start RF Class dialog will display before you can configure the Session in the New Session dialog shown here. Click on a setting option in the screen shot to learn more about it.



Starting a PRS PowerPoint Session in an IR Environment


The New Session dialog for an IR Session

When you start a PRS PowerPoint Slide Show, PRS launches if it isn't already running, and the New Session dialog shown here displays, so you can configure this Session before you begin going through the PowerPoint slides. Click on a setting option in the screen shot to learn more about it.