CTLTR Proposal

The RCC recognizes that the use of technology in education is a rapidly moving field. The University cannot afford to fall behind in this area, and still remain competitive with other institutions. Therefore, the college should recognize and reward faculty who take initiative in improving teaching and learning through technology. The college must also have a mechanism of keeping informed about technological advances, and be able to evaluate which advances lead to improved teaching and learning. Therefore, the RCC recommends that

" A College Teaching, Learning, and Technology Round Table (CTLTR) should be formed as soon as possible".

This CTLTR committee should be fashioned along an example of College TLTR's suggested by the American Association for Higher Education (AAHE). It is to become part of a network of TLTR's organized by the AAHE. The committee shall be charged with the following tasks:


The CTLTR will be able to act quickly to changing technology trends and needs related to the teaching mission of the College. A strong link to the College program budget process will be provided by appointment of a College administrator to co-chair the CTLTR. The proposed membership of the CTLTR is:


The committee may choose to have a smaller working steering group which meets more frequently then the entire committee.

The process of selection of student members needs to be set up in a more formalized way. Some suggestions that need to be considered include: selection process, expertise in technology, and reporting to and representation of students. One of the student members of CTLRT should be appointed by student government. The final selection process of the student members must be developed by the co-chairs if the CTLTR and approved by both the full RCC and the RCC subcommittee on technology and learning.
One or two of the members of the CTLTR should also serve on the continuing RCC committee, which is currently being discussed by the RCC. In order to ensure the flow of new ideas, it is recommended that the a significant fraction of members of the round table be rotated every two years, and that the committee review the nature of its membership. It is anticipated that further tuning of the proposed structure would be done after consultation with the AAHE TLTR network as discussed at the end of this recommendation.

Members of other support groups will be called in as the agenda evolves (e.g. CAG, RCAG, book store, computer store, computing support staff, Admissions, AMES, and various departments). The Technology sub-committee of the RCC recognizes that the introduction of technology in the class room requires extensive interactions between the CTLTR and the class-room committee. We therefore recommend that at some point in the future the technological responsibilities of the class-room committee are taken over by the CTLTR.

As soon as the co-chairs are appointed, they shall invite members of the AAHE TLTR network to campus to conduct a seminar on the AAHE experience and to provide advice on the final form of the committee. Therefore, the committee must start with a base budget to be able to conduct such seminars and other operating costs. In addition, this budget will be used to develop incentive programs for instructional technology. We recommend an initial operating budget of about $10,000/year for items such as:

Send comments to wolfs@nsrl.rochester.edu