Title Page
Lycoming has a special meaning to me: it flies me back and forth!!!
My talk today is not about flying!!! Outline
Improving Science Education for Non-Scientists
Science Education for Non-Scientists
The Rochester Curriculum
(Co-) Principle Investigators
Project Funding
Key concepts to be addressed by science cluster courses
Course Development
Science Clusters Developed
Science and Literature: I. Walmsley (Optics), D. Albright (English)
Design: John C. Lambropoulos and Renato Perucchio (Mech. Eng.)
Physics by Inquiry
Physics By Inquiry: The Classroom
Physics by Inquiry Classroom Official Opening: 1/19/98
Physics by Inquiry: Syllabus
Physics by Inquiry: Syllabus (cont.)
Scientific Graphs: Reproducing Motion
Measuring Velocity: On the Bench
Measuring Velocity: Video Analysis
Average Velocity and Instantaneous Velocity
Smart Pulleys
The Scientific Method: The Atwood Machine
The Scientific Method: The Atwood Machine (cont.)
The Scientific Method: Motion up and down the incline
Collisions The Collision Force
Collisions Conservation of Linear Momentum
Collisions Studying Collisions Hands-On
What is the difference between full and empty cans?
Final project: Linear Momentum and Rocket Propulsion!
April 21: First test of the University of Rochester Missile Defense System.
Data Analysis of Rocket Launches
Physics by Inquiry Summary and Conclusions
Author: Frank L. H. Wolfs
Email: wolfs@nsrl.rochester.edu
Home Page: http://teacher.nsrl.rochester.edu/