Teaching Physics to Non-Scientists:

Physics by Inquiry

Talk presented at the Conference for Teaching Excellence at Lycoming College

May 7, 1999

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Table of Contents

Title Page

Lycoming has a special meaning to me: it flies me back and forth!!!

My talk today is not about flying!!! Outline

Improving Science Education for Non-Scientists

Science Education for Non-Scientists

The Rochester Curriculum

(Co-) Principle Investigators

Project Funding

Key concepts to be addressed by science cluster courses

Course Development

Science Clusters Developed

Science and Literature: I. Walmsley (Optics), D. Albright (English)

Science and Literature: I. Walmsley (Optics), D. Albright (English)

Design: John C. Lambropoulos and Renato Perucchio (Mech. Eng.)

Design: John C. Lambropoulos and Renato Perucchio (Mech. Eng.)

Physics by Inquiry

Physics by Inquiry

Physics By Inquiry: The Classroom

Physics by Inquiry Classroom Official Opening: 1/19/98

Physics by Inquiry: Syllabus

Physics by Inquiry: Syllabus (cont.)

Scientific Graphs: Reproducing Motion

Scientific Graphs: Reproducing Motion

Measuring Velocity: On the Bench

Measuring Velocity: Video Analysis

Average Velocity and Instantaneous Velocity

Smart Pulleys

Smart Pulleys

The Scientific Method: The Atwood Machine

The Scientific Method: The Atwood Machine (cont.)

The Scientific Method: Motion up and down the incline

Collisions The Collision Force

Collisions Conservation of Linear Momentum

Collisions Studying Collisions Hands-On

Collisions Studying Collisions Hands-On

Collisions Studying Collisions Hands-On

What is the difference between full and empty cans?

Final project: Linear Momentum and Rocket Propulsion!

April 21: First test of the University of Rochester Missile Defense System.

Data Analysis of Rocket Launches

Physics by Inquiry Summary and Conclusions

Physics by Inquiry Summary and Conclusions

Physics by Inquiry Summary and Conclusions

Author: Frank L. H. Wolfs

Email: wolfs@nsrl.rochester.edu

Home Page: http://teacher.nsrl.rochester.edu/