The Fastbus ADC pedestals are obtained using the data obtained during dedicated pedestal runs or TOF cosmic runs. The value of the ADC pedestals varies between 200 to 800 ADC channels. For more details, please refer to the ADC manual.
The procedure used to calibrate the TDCs is as follows:
.x $PHATHOME/phatplastic/macros/FBPedCalc_Setup.C
This command produces the following output:
::ListModules(): Module #0: TPhModule:FBGeoInitMod (Enabled) Module #1: TPhModule: FBInitMod (Enabled) Module #2: TPhModule: FBunpackerMod (Enabled) Module #3: TPhModule: FBIndexMod (Enabled) Module #4: TPhModule: FBPedCalcMod (Enabled) Module #5: TPhModule: VerifyFBPedestalMod (Enabled) Setup for Fastbus pedestal calculation completed successfully!
.x $PHATHOME/phatplastic/macros/FBPedCalc_SM.C(6219,0,"/data/cr01/data")
where the arguments are:
This command produces the following output:
FBPedCalcMod(TPhFBPedCalcMod): High noise value for FB = 0 Slot = 23 Channel = 39 Sensor = TC52 Noise = 30.2832 FBPedCalcMod(TPhFBPedCalcMod): High noise value for FB = 0 Slot = 23 Channel = 44 Sensor = TC54 Noise = 36.8543 Finished! Number of events read = 1499 Calibration objects are stored in object manager FBPedCalcModObjs VerifyFBPedestalMod(TPhVerifyFBPedestalMod): **** VERIFYING FASTBUS PEDESTALS VerifyFBPedestalMod(TPhVerifyFBPedestalMod): Accept? [y/n]
Before accepting the calibrations please look at the canvas created by this macro. The results of the analysis of run 6219 are included here.
The canvas shows the two two-dimensional histograms (left) with the raw ADC data (top) and the pedestal subtracted ADC data (bottom). The two one-dimensional histograms (right) shows the extracted pedestals (top) and the pedestal noise (bottom). Four things needs to be checked:
VerifyFBPedestalMod(TPhVerifyFBPedestalMod): Authenticating TOF DB as phatwriter... VerifyFBPedestalMod(TPhVerifyFBPedestalMod): Writing FB Pedestals for Run, Seq #6219, 0 VerifyFBPedestalMod(TPhVerifyFBPedestalMod): ...Revoking FB Database Writing object manager to FBPedCalc006219s000.root FBPedCalc : Real Time = 901.27 seconds Cpu Time = 164.52 seconds
Frank Wolfs, University of Rochester, June 2001