The International System of Units
The International System of Units(SI), uses a single basic unit
for each physical quantity, and multiples and fractions of this
unit are formed by adding a prefix. For example, the SI unit for
length is the meter (m). The millimeter (mm), centimeter (cm),
and kilometer(km) are formed by adding the prefixes milli- (m),
centi- (c), and kilo- (k) to meter. The same prefixes are used
for all physical quantities. The prefixes and their symbols are
listed in Table A.1.
The following rules should be observed when using SI symbols of
- Do not put a period after a symbol. Therefore, 7 km. is incorrect,
but 7 km is correct.
- Do not put s at the end of any symbol. Therefore, 7kms is
incorrect, but 7 km is correct.
- The symbol for a unit is a lowercase letter except when the
unit is derived from a proper name(i.e. Newton, Pascal, Joule
etc.). Thus, the symbol for the meter is m, whereas the
symbol for the Newton is N. (An exception is the symbol
for L for liter.)
- A symbol with the prefix is treated as a new unit which can
be raised to a power without using brackets. Thus, the notation
, and not
Table A.1- SI Prefixes
Prefix | Symbol
| Value |
tera- | T |
giga- | G |
mega- | M |
kilo- | k |
hecto- | h |
deca- | da |
deci- | d |
centi- | c |
milli- | m |
micro- |  |
nano- | n |
pico- | p |
femto- | f |
atto- | a |
Table A.2- Common SI Units
Fundamental Units
Quantity | Name of Unit
| Symbol of Unit |
Length | Meter | m
Mass | Kilogram | kg
Time | Second | s
Temperature | Kelvin | K
Electric Current | Ampere |
A |
Derived Units
Quantity | Name of Unit
| Symbol of Unit | Unit(with Fundamental Units)
Frequency | Hertz
| Hz |
Force | Newton
| N |
Pressure | Pascal
| Pa |
Energy | Joule
| J |
Power | Watt
| W |
Electric charge | Coulomb
| C |
Electric potential | Volt
| V |
Electric resistance | Ohm
|  |
Electric capacitance | Farad
| F |  |
Magnetic filed | Tesla
| T |  |
Magnetic flux | Weber
| W |  |
Table A.3- Conversion Factors
Unit | Conversion Units
1 degree |
1 revolution |
1 meter | 3.281ft=39.37in.
1 light year |
1 kilogram | 2.205lb=35.27oz
1 atomic mass unit |
1 slug | 14.59kg |
1 cubic meter |
1 joule |