
A single-channel digital pulse processor. The printed circuit board is realized in the four-layer, surface-mount technology, with the dedicated ground and power layers inside the board. The board is divided into separate analog and digital parts. The analog front end consists of an input buffer followed by variable-gain amplifier, followed by an animalizing filter. In principle, both the gain and offset can be controlled by the microprocessor. However, the DAC that is needed for this purpose has not been soldered on the prototype board. The board contains the 12-bit sampling ADC (middle part) and the 12-bit reconstruction (lower part), both capable of up to 65 MHz sampling rate. During the tests the device was operated at 48 MHz sampling rate. The central part of the board is devoted to a field programmable gate array (FPGA)and a microprocessor. The data can be directed both to the USB connector and to the reconstruction TxDAC. The reconstructed analog waveform is delivered to the output connector to be examined with an oscilloscope in real time.

The board:

 DDC-1 Board

Main parameters:

FPGA Xilinx XC2S300E
Analog to Digital Converter 12bit@48MHz
Number of channels 1
Buffer length 1024 samples

Sample digitized pulse:

Sample digitized pulse
Left: A fast test pulse from the NIM pulser, which is a good approximation of a pulse from a fast phototube. The pulse lasts for only half of the DDC-1 sampling period. Right : the waveform captured with DDC-1.

Real application:

Digital Signal Processing of Scintillator Pulses in Nuclear Physics Techniques

Senior thesis by Saba Zuberi
Available here
Spectrum sample
Sample energy spectra collected with NaI(Tl) detector and DDC-1 Left: Co60 Right: Cs137

Detection and Analysis of Stopping Muons Using a Compact Digital Pulse Processor

An investigation was by Daniel Miner during his summer Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU)
Report available here
Presentation available here
The experiment setup

Muon Pulse
Sample muon event captured with DDC-1